Monday, November 10, 2008

First Post

Inspired by several of my students at Kolej Teknologi YPC, I have decided to join what looks to be the exciting world of blogging!

I am not sure whther I will be able to share with you my headaches or my heartaches, but maybe something of the things I do, the thoughts I think, the feelings I have, and the books that I read. Maybe I can share with you some of the mistakes I have made in life; lost opportunities, and maybe,ways to energise and give focus and purpose to your life.

My blog title 'Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness' is a summary of my life philosophy. Live everyday to the full; liberty, to be free to live as human beings and think the thoughts and do the things we wish, and the pursuit of happiness; the goal of everone in life!

Life is such a wonderful adventure. I hope we can share it together through this blog!

1 comment:

DerrickLJMU said...

You are a quality person.