Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Hearing Clinton....

Last Friday, I went to the KL Convention Centre and join the lucky thoasands who managed to get a ticket to hear former US President, Bill Clinton, speak.

What an impressive man! He arrived late (had been out to Putrajaya to see the PM and got caught in KL traffic - I thought he would have a police escort!) but everyone expects that in Malaysia!. He spoke for 45 minutes and then took 4 questions.

He speaks so well- interesting, engaging, entertaining and with much passion and conviction. Since leaving the presidency, he has been working in his own charitable foundation and doing much good work worldwide, providing medicines for AIDs sufferers and children with life threatening diseases.

A wonderful afternoon and hope to post some pics which I took soon..

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Quite Some Time...

Sorry to those who read my blog. But firstly, my computer caught a virus, then work seems to have piled up even though I am not enjoying my Wednesday classes over the exam/ semester break.

This afternoon, I have been fortunate to get a ticket to hear former US President, Bill Clinton speak at a conference here in KL. This is the first time I will have ever seen a US President! Quite thrilled at the prospect.

The closest I have come to political proximy in this country was when I met Dr M wandering around KLCC a couple of years ago. We walked along by the outdoor lake for a few minutes and had a brief chat. Quite spontaneously, I put my arm around him, which obviously his bodyguards were not too too concerned about as I am still alive to tell the story!

Monday, November 17, 2008

World Depression

Maybe we think we have enough of our own problems without having to think about the current 'world depression' which is knocking on our brains.

What has caused all this? Well, the simple answer is that the US government, which has control over the creation of new money, have been printing too many bank bills. This has created a situation of too much cheap money which has been lent, at low interest, to many millions of American homebuyers who actually cannot afford to buy.

Many of these homebuyers have now defaulted on their payments and this has sent shockwaves through the US banking and finance sectors, and other institutions world wide who are linked with the US economy and financial systems. The US economy sneezes and the world catches a cold!

Now the US government is trying to look like the 'white knight' coming to save the system, when they were actually the 'black knight' in the first place!

Confusing isn't it?

Anyone for another cup of coffee?

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


In a tutorial class, I always enjoy seeing students moving around the class room helping one another with the assignment task. But what really delights my heart is seeing students from the different races helping, chatting, laughing and working together.

What is race anyway? It is mainly a pure accident of geography and history. Science has proved that many millions of years ago, the human race developed in the African region and by several migrations, spread to different regions of the world. The earliest migration seems to have gone from Africa, through southern Indian with some moving into Australia. Other migrations headed towards what is now the European region, and others into the regions of Russia, China and through to the Americans. Extensive DNA testing have confirmed these patterns of migration.

So, what is race? Events in history combined with the influences of local geography, weather and other factors which have resulted in the peoples of the world- all a part of the one human race- with slight differences in appearance, language and cultural artefacts.

But Shakespeare reminds us of our 'oneness', in one of his famous plays: 'The Merchant of Venice', when some Christian businessmen were taunting the Jewish moneychanger, who responded with those memorial words:

' I am a Jew. Hath not a Jew eyes? Hath not a Jew hands, organs. dimensions, senses, affections, passions, feed with the same food, hurt with the same weapons, subject to the same diseases, healed by the same means, warmed and coled by the same winter and summer, as a Christian is? If you prick us, do we not bleed? If you tickle us, do we not laugh? If you poison us, do we not die? And if you wrong us, shall we not revenge?'

We are all one race...


What wonderful experiences we can enjoy over a cup of coffee! And what nice people with whom we can also share that cup of coffee! And what wonderful people there are who invite us to share coffee with them; entering their space and sharing their friendships and moments of relaxion.

Thanks, guys, for the coffee (and lunch) today. Your friendship and generosity of spirit is much appreciated. And thanks also, gals, for the interesting snippets of conversation we enjoyed... You are all such a special bunch!

Monday, November 10, 2008


Tomorrow, I have a full day's teaching at Kolej Teknologi YPC.

Why do I teach? Well, it is a very pleasant way to earn an income. But maybe sitting at a desk, working for some corporation may be more relaxing! Yes, maybe, but teaching is a passion for me; I love to teach!

Firstly, I love what I teach. All learning is a passion and has a fascination for me, but the teaching of business engages us in the commercial world through which human have progressed out of the trees and jungles and into a level of comfort that no one ever imagined. Capitalism and a free market economy that practices modern business practices, that focuses on the needs of customers and provides entrepreneurs and business people with the freedom to serve the needs of consumers is the greatest economic and business system devised by humanity. And I am proud to teach about it!

Secondly, and just as importantly, I love students. I have been one all my life, and still am. Every student is an individual and ever individual is so interesting and has such enormous potential. And their potential is so much greater when they are young. How wonderful to be able to mix with them and teach them!

And thirdly, teaching is about learning. Learning more about what I teach, and learning more about those whom I teach. They have so much to teach me. I love youth. I love what youth should represent; new ideas, creativity, optimism, love, trust, vigor, ambition, striving and hope for the future...

Roll on, Wednesday...

First Post

Inspired by several of my students at Kolej Teknologi YPC, I have decided to join what looks to be the exciting world of blogging!

I am not sure whther I will be able to share with you my headaches or my heartaches, but maybe something of the things I do, the thoughts I think, the feelings I have, and the books that I read. Maybe I can share with you some of the mistakes I have made in life; lost opportunities, and maybe,ways to energise and give focus and purpose to your life.

My blog title 'Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness' is a summary of my life philosophy. Live everyday to the full; liberty, to be free to live as human beings and think the thoughts and do the things we wish, and the pursuit of happiness; the goal of everone in life!

Life is such a wonderful adventure. I hope we can share it together through this blog!